    "---tweeting for the cerebral cortex"

Can a Theory Become a Law?

No, a theory and a law have two separate agendas and are not directly connected as most people believe.

The first problem within scientific understanding is the misunderstanding of the word theory. In common usage we refer to theory as a guess or conjecture, however, that is a slightly wrong outlook when applied to scientific theory. A theory explains why things are the way they are.

I found a good definition for it use-

"a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact" (dictionary.reference.)
That means that a theory is still a "guess", but one based on facts. So, here is the kicker. There is NOTHING above a theory. A theory is what you ultimately strive for when it comes  to explaining things.

A law on the other hand describes the universe. Lets take a example:

First lets take Boyle's Law- (Wiki Definition) 

is one of many gas laws and a special case of the ideal gas law. Boyle's law describes the inversely proportional relationship between the absolute pressure and volume of a gas, if the temperature is kept constant within a closed system.
  Boyle's law describes and observation of a explicit event however it does not conclude the explanation for why it happens.

So, in essence, they both can work together to give a complete understanding, but a theory is NOT a unproven law. Its a very important concept to grasp whilst arguing idea changers such as evolution. It is a true statement to say that evolution is a/only a theory, but in most cases people are referring to the common usage and that is not right.

Theory- Explanation based on facts and it can be proven wrong however it is our best understanding for the why.

A theory cannot become a law nor a law a theory

Who are the Aboriginal People?

Aboriginal people are the indigenous people, with a small population, of Australia. They resemble the Native Americans in their lifestyles of groups and spirituality and passing down of stories. Although they were given full citizen rights in 1967, they still fight for more rights to this day through the Aborigines League (AAL) and the Aborigines' Progressive Association (APA). These organization have a long history of civil rights issues that date back to the 1920's and as far as I have read they have not reached a solid state of government intervention to be comfortable.

I found some great articles on them for more information. Please visit the links below-


What does Closed Captioned mean?

The subtle little phrase that flashes for everyone before most television and movie shows is easily overlooked and lost out of mind for a lot of viewers. So, for those of you who have overlooked this simplistic item a lot of people have come to rely on; Closed Captioned means that any one with a hearing disability can access video programs with on screen text correlating with the speech of the show.

List of Parkinsons Disease Symptoms

Following is a list of PD symptoms in no particular order; it’s a rough outline for you to get a tad acquainted with PD.

1. Leaning forward or stooped poster

2. The PD "Mask" (Loss of some facial expression)

3. Fatigue

4. Slurred speech

5. Softening of speech

6. Difficulty swallowing

7. Sexual dysfunction

8. Cramping

9. Drooling

10. Tremors whilst body or muscle is at rest

11. Bradykinesia- Trouble starting motions and sudden stops in motion

12. Balance and coordination are compromised
I was turned on to the disease while reading Michael J Fox's book "Always Looking Up" along with "Lucky Man; A Mermoir".

Élan Vital- The Force of Life

The term was coined by the French philosopher Henri Bergson, and at its roots was an attempt to understand the selections of lifeless objects and those of having an essence of life. Bergson thought that if by discovering and manipulating the Élan Vital and presenting an inanimate object with it along with an electric current, life might be possible. Alas, simple ignorance of anatomy to infinitesimal protons and neutrons is firstly a problem of any time period but one that must be gone through to slowly pick at the truth of the universe. Plus, to make matters worse, do we really know what makes us alive?

Also Mary Shelley's used vitalism ( Élan Vital would be the "life spark" and vitalism would be the doctrine to understand it) in her The Night that Birthed Frankenstein among other of her famous novels.

Milk is a Food

As always political outreach can change horizons beyond what most people would deem possible. As the tomato is considered a vegetable according to the U.S government (in accordance with laws regulating goods) , however, "scientifically" it is considered a fruit. It would not end there, of course, for furthermore the culinary arts use a tomato as a vegetable whilst cooking. So, its not hard or inconceivable to have a substance such as milk misplaced in the minds of a common man.

                                                      (Source Rep. By Clicking)

Why is the Tomato a Fruit

Go ahead and check out this question from Oxford Dictionary

Is a tomato a fruit or vegetable? 

Why is Milk a Food

Go ahead and check out this excerpt from InfoPlease

Milk, Food

Word of the Week "Paragon"

My Use
 -Well this has quickly become one of my favorite words for it lets you take a specific entity and put it atop everything else in its category. With that it lends a hand in giving a nice complement to the topic.

Paragon- in short, paragon, is the model for excellence.

"My grandmothers cooking is and always will be a paragon of flavors waiting anxiously for my return to once again devour it."

Abacus and the Abacist- How to use an Abacus

Most people, I hope, have seen a picture of an Abacus or (more likely) someone using it (an Abacist). It, the abacus, is a "counting frame" used in parts of Asia to calculate arithmetic quantities. Here I would like to stay within the confines of elementary arithmetics, for its the main use of the abacus and its uses in theory are beyond what I have read or know. Plus, I wanted more visual aid then text and picture so we are going to make use of videos.

First lets see what an Abacus is.....

                                             (Source represented by clicking picture)

Next this video will show you what an abacus is, the difference of the soroban, and a structural overview.

This next video will give you a little more historical background and it will get into how to read and use it.

This next video is simply a fun visualization of someone who has mastered the abacus.  (to anyone that has been in awe at a rubix cube master has certainly in need of seeing someone who is a abacus master)

Link to Speed Abacus

Are the Black Bits in Bananas Tarantula Eggs?

Comedic film can be misleading at times. The show "The Mighty Boosh" featured two characters, Vince Noir and Howard Moon,working at a zoo -- while having some very funny, irregular adventures.

Vince Noir: Howard... Howard... Howard... Howard... Howard... Howard... Howard... Howard... Howard... Howard... Howard... Howard?

Howard Moon: This better be good.

Vince Noir:  You know the black bits in bananas, are they tarantulas' eggs?

Howard Moon: Please don't speak to me ever again in your life.

Now, if your still curious to the answer, its no.

Also, the "bits" are the banana's seeds rather than an egg of an arachnid. 

Come check out the new site!

Word of the Week "Lethologica"

Everyone, at least to my knowledge, has felt the sensation of having a word on the tip of their tongue and against all attempts cannot remember it. This state of being is referred to as; Lethologica.

Now you have another word that you can forgot in the instant you cannot remember another.

                                              "Source represented by clicking picture"

I must add here something I learned by a linguist who I more than admire, Michel Thomas. (If you happen to be wanting to learn a new language I strongly encourage to to check his audio series out.) I later put it into my own words and kept it in my own life.

What you know is stored in memory and is knowledge; As such, there is no reason to worry about forgetting.

The Drake Equation

The Drake Equation's premise is to calculate the possibility of extraterrestrials in our galaxy (the Milky Way). Founded by our dear Dr. Donald Drake he uses the following formula to derive the probabilities. It cannot be exact, however, to us as humans it may be the best or one of the best plausible derivatives   we can come up with (when speaking of potential civilized extraterrestrials),

                                             (source link represented by clicking picture)

  • N = Civilizations within our galaxy that we may be able to communicate with
  • R* = Star formations rate
  • fp = The fraction of R*'s stars that have planets.
  • ne = Average number of planets that could support life according to each star that has planets.
  • fl = Fraction of the above that has the possibility to support life.
  • fi = Fraction of the above that can create intelligent life 
  • fc = Fraction of the above that are technically advanced enough for us to find evidence of them in space. (radio waves etc......) 
  • L = Length of time to detect the above technology from the planet.
  • 400 billion x  1/4 x 2 x 1/2 x 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/ 100 million = about 10 civilizations we can communicate with.
    (The math above represents that civilizations with technology are only lasting a few decades. Below is another representation if civilized worlds where to be able to prosper millions of years.) 400 billion x 1/4 x 2 x 1/2 x 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/ 100 = about a million civilizations we can communicate with.

    Carl Sagan's Flat Land- The 4th Dimension

    As a huge fan of watching Carl Sagan I suggest to everyone to take a look at the video below to better comprehend the fourth dimension. (Whilst traveling from "flat land") Sagan also describes shapes as seen through the fourth dimension (or shadows of what they would be like) as the hypercube and its tesseract.

    I might add that the specific problem with us not being able to see the fourth dimension from not being able to comprehend it, is not the only variable or hindrance. Variables can range from physical perception (eyes, brain) to assimilated perception (we perceive the dimension differently through our lifetime.) to relative perception (where we are when we perceive.) I can go on much further, however, I have no formal degree in the subject.

     (Please read the last paragraph with the understanding that is the authors views and not that of any "scientist" with a degree. It should be taken accordingly)

    Who was the First President of the United States?

    Yes, of course, George Washington was the first president under our current constitution. As factual as that may be, he indeed, was not  the only first president of the United States. Rather, and little known, Samuel Huntington, was the first president under the AOC (Articles of Confederation).  Also noteworthy to mention, he was the first president under the AOC, but he was not the first president under congress, that was John Hanson.
                                                                   (Samuel Huntington; I personally have a deep respect for our dear Mr. Huntington, for against his own family, instead of maintaining the farm he taught himself law. After his self taught knowledge he passed the bar becoming governor, and one of our first presidents.)

    I find it repulsive that throughout the U.S our kids even until the ages of high school are never taught who was in charge prior to the current constitution. In my opinion I only accept the U.S existence until after the AOC, thus it would give Huntington the "first".

    So who is it?
    George Washington
    Samuel Huntington
    John Hanson


    Aria, in its essence, a solo piece of music that may have accompaniment, in recent times is associated with a solo singer (and is frequent in operas). I may over exaggerate with a bias opinion of aria's, however, I happen to carry the interpretation that an aria is; the poetic climax of a certain characters outward lash (when speaking of an opera.) So, as poetry in song, I wish to give you a video of "Nessun Dorma", an aria, of which happens to be my favorite. Although I confine my time of arias listening to opera versions, many composers have made movements and concerts that are equally numerous and impressive.

                                                (Source link represented by clicking picture)

    Here is a link you should check out:

    Pavarotti- "Nessun Dorma"

    Nessun Dorma is the perfect example of an aria in opera with my "poetic lash-out" view. It appears in Giacomo Puccini's opera, Turandot

    -Calaf, as the princess has no desire to marry him, gives the princess before dawn to guess his name. If she does, she can execute him, however, if she cannot find out his name she must marry him. Thus Calaf sings the aria, "Nesssun Dorma".

    Nessun dorma! Nessun dorma!
    Tu pure, o, Principessa,
    nella tua fredda stanza,
    guardi le stelle
    che tremano d'amore
    e di speranza.
    Ma il mio mistero è chiuso in me,
    il nome mio nessun saprà!
    No, no, sulla tua bocca lo dirò
    quando la luce splenderà!
    Ed il mio bacio scioglierà il silenzio
    che ti fa mia!
    (Il nome suo nessun saprà!...
    e noi dovrem, ahime, morir!)

    Nobody shall sleep!...
    Nobody shall sleep!
    Even you, o Princess,
    in your cold room,
    watch the stars,
    that tremble with love and with hope.
    But my secret is hidden within me,
    my name no one shall know...
    On your mouth I will tell it when the light shines.
    And my kiss will dissolve the silence that makes you mine!...
    (No one will know his name and we must, alas, die.)
    Vanish, o night!
    Set, stars! Set, stars!
    At dawn, I will win! I will win! I will win!

    René Magritte

    The infamous Belgian surrealist artist, Magritte, has some of the most interesting artworks.  His work was to influence people to have sensitivity to their surroundings. I mention him for the "Pablo Picasso" and all the others are always talked about. Sometimes, and less than it should, people who are very famous like Magritte have their share only inside their niche. Here are a few of his pieces...


    (Source links of paintings are presented by clicking picture.)

    Now, as odd as they are, a surrealist view through painting, for almost all cases, supposed to have a deeper meaning behind them. As much as I wish I could illustrate the exact meaning behind his work, I cannot. As such, and I hope you do, delve a little farther into his pieces and maybe a little biography of René Magritte.

    Vocabulary Word of the Week; Clairvoyance

    Clairvoyance-  1.the supernatural power of seeing objects or actions removed in space or  time from natural viewing  2. quick, intuitive knowledge of things and people; sagacity.

    Closer Look-    The  two perceptions of clairvoyance are: Firstly, that you can obtain information about a person, object, location, occurrences, from abnormal "senses" beyond the human five (sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste) Second, you have acute intuition of objects and other people. The latter of the two presents an ability based on preexisting knowledge whereas the counter acts as a supernatural agent.

    (Please note all definition were "copied" from ( to provide adequate results.)


    Ingenuously labeled, Arabist, refers to a person who specializes in or mastered the Arabic language, culture, and literature. Although it has roots back to medieval Spain, currently, and more often, it is used by ambassadors and foreign service officers from the US. Although it may not be a piece of knowledge that you sit back and digress or really incorporate it into existing knowledge of the middle east in the essence of "the now', rather Arabists are to credited with an amassment of the cultural translation we have.

    Weird Phobias

    With the enormity of the topic finding a few "odd man outs" out of many is very difficult, and for this case is even more demanding for almost all phobias have that weirdness about them. Hence, I go forth trying to find the ones where you sit back and go "now way" and "are you serious", and "no one can have that".

    Blennophobia- The fear of slime
     I know what your thinking. Ghostbusters right?

    Ideophobia- Fear of Ideas
    Ideas inherently bad? I must say I cannot grasp this unless; someones ideas all have a negative undertone to begin with, thus, all there ideas bring harm or insecurity towards themselves. Be that as it may, ironically, in that situation the only way to recover is to begin with the very thing you cannot do. (For other phobias you come up with an "idea" and move about fixing it.)

    Epistemophobia- Fear of Knowledge
    no comment. 

    Francophobia- Fear of France or French Culture
    Yeah, well, I keep coming across ones like this for different countries and cultures, so I put it in here, however, there are many reasons for people to have a fear against a certain country. I added just because it is one I have never thought of, and it is such a prevalent fear.  The idea of it,of which I do not grasp, is why not incorporate all of them into one word; Its meaning along the lines of fear of a country (in particular or not)

    Alliumphobia- Fear of Garlic
     Now I can understand disliking, from which, some type of "fear" of encountering it might happen. However, unless your a typical classical vampire its another one I cannot grasp.

    I encourage you to find out more phobias from the link below. As you read through the list of phobias you should keep in mind that fears of "something" can go and come back. So if one does not make any sense to you, try to think of a situation where someone might be afraid that particular thing. It might help. 


    The Gargoyle

    These easily distinguished grotesque creatures positioned alongside structures, gargoyles, even at the root of their hard stone bodies serve a deeper purpose. They were implemented in medieval Europe for cathedrals and churches as roof spouts to drain the water away from buildings. I find it a bit peculiar to hide a simple action with an obvious outlandish creature, but the world of earth is masked with oddities.
            I might add that despite being a "Medieval Gutter" gargoyle is  not the only proper way to depict one. A structure or even a sculpture might have/be a gargoyle for it has a unique look alongside draining water. In essence it can just be an artwork of distorted human or animal form. Also interesting to note is the word "gargoyle" can be used as an adjective and as such is worded "gargoyled", but I cannot say whether or not you would be discounted on using it.


                        Henotheism, in short, is the worship of one god or deity while accepting the possibility of others.  As such,  you worship your god/deity and that worship does not mean that it has to be the sole supernatural being of the universe. There are sub-categories of Henotheism; The belief that gods hold supreme power at different times and should be worship at those times (Kathenotheism) and the belief that only one supreme deity should be worshiped (whilst there sill being other deities).  (Monolatrism)

    Can You Sneeze With Your Eyes Open?

          I always look around the web for various miscellaneous random phrases and facts and one that always has caught my eye is the "fact that you cannot sneeze with your eyes open". I, whilst shaking my head, always have to wonder why people post such "random facts" when in (fact) they are such clear fallacies. Not only is the first premise not true we can move on to the implied one where people have the notion of eyes popping out. Oh the agony...... But hey don't take my word for it take a look at the following link, and if that doesn't complement your need for knowledge search engines are always there to help to give a lending hand.

    Is it impossible to sneeze with your eyes open? 
    This link has a surprise question attached, and while it may be humorous, it either shows the capabilities of children to ask questions or how knowledge is lacking within humanity.

     So,  to take my pain away, I label this under Myth.