    "---tweeting for the cerebral cortex"

List of Parkinsons Disease Symptoms

Following is a list of PD symptoms in no particular order; it’s a rough outline for you to get a tad acquainted with PD.

1. Leaning forward or stooped poster

2. The PD "Mask" (Loss of some facial expression)

3. Fatigue

4. Slurred speech

5. Softening of speech

6. Difficulty swallowing

7. Sexual dysfunction

8. Cramping

9. Drooling

10. Tremors whilst body or muscle is at rest

11. Bradykinesia- Trouble starting motions and sudden stops in motion

12. Balance and coordination are compromised
I was turned on to the disease while reading Michael J Fox's book "Always Looking Up" along with "Lucky Man; A Mermoir".


Unknown said...

ymptoms slurred speech,trouble swallowing,tremors,drooling, body still getting better though. My brother has these symptoms