    "---tweeting for the cerebral cortex"

Carl Sagan's Flat Land- The 4th Dimension

As a huge fan of watching Carl Sagan I suggest to everyone to take a look at the video below to better comprehend the fourth dimension. (Whilst traveling from "flat land") Sagan also describes shapes as seen through the fourth dimension (or shadows of what they would be like) as the hypercube and its tesseract.

I might add that the specific problem with us not being able to see the fourth dimension from not being able to comprehend it, is not the only variable or hindrance. Variables can range from physical perception (eyes, brain) to assimilated perception (we perceive the dimension differently through our lifetime.) to relative perception (where we are when we perceive.) I can go on much further, however, I have no formal degree in the subject.

 (Please read the last paragraph with the understanding that is the authors views and not that of any "scientist" with a degree. It should be taken accordingly)